The 1st Swap Competition by Swapscanner
March 27, 2022
The 1st Live Swap Battle is being held promote the superiority of Swapscanner's charts and swap routes. by Swapscanner before gas price increase
Content of the competition
Swapscanner, the largest exchange in Klaytn network, is opening Swap Competition to determine who makes the most swaps.
Competition schedule
Starts at
Block # 86,482,130
March 27, 2022 (Sun) 7:00 AM (UTC)
Ends at
Block # 86,942,900
April 01, 2022 (Fri) 2:59 PM (UTC) -
Block # 86,950,100
April 01, 2022 (Fri) 5:56 PM (UTC)
* The competition starts and ends based on the block number of the Klaytn network.
Announcement of winners
👉 Those who want to swap tokens with the cheapest & optimal price
👉 Those who need a large-scale swap due to the release of long-term deposits
👉 Those who want to trade single shots using 'Pro Chart'
👉 Those who need to move their crypto to CEXs
👉 Those who need to quickly process the necessary swaps before the gas price increase
And also those who wants to swap between any tokens in Klaytn network.
How to participate
You can participate the competition by swapping any tokens in any routes in Swapscanner.
* Swaps without commission will be excluded.
How rankings are counted
- Top traders count by the sum of swap commissions charged(To prevent repeated abusing of swaps in small quantities and btw stable swaps)
- Selling SCNRs is counted as negative by the corresponding volume(commission charged)
- Swaps made on Swapscanner within the competition schedule are automatically counted (Real-time rankings can be checked in the leaderboards)

200 Swap route NFTs
* lifetime zero swap commission for from/to route assigned to each tokens
* only the routes with actual swaps in the competition period will be randomly minted
Randomly minted Swap route NFTs will be awarded to top 100 traders (170 total)
- 1st: 11 NFTs
- 2nd: 8 NFTs
- 3rd: 5 NFTs
- 4th ~ 15th : 3 NFTs each (36 total)
- 16th ~ 40th : 2 NFTs each (50 total)
- 41st ~ 100th : 1 NFT each (60 total)
Randomly minted Swap route NFTs will be awarded to random participants (30 total)
1 NFT each will be awarded to a total of 30 participants through lottery among those who {bought more than 10 SCNRs and made more than 5 swaps via Swapscanner} during the competition period.
Team Swapscanner 🚀